Thank you for choosing one21 Monthly Support

This One21 Support Agreement sign-up form creates an agreement between One21 and you, the Client.

Members of our Support agreement receive:

  • Brief emails and calls, under 15 minutes per incident, are covered by your agreement.

  • The rate for labor will be discounted from $300 to $200 an hour

Managed Computers with one21+:

  • Automated monitoring and reporting on the overall health of your computer, via One21 Monitoring

  • A chance to identify small problems before they become large ones, or lead to data loss.

  • Active notification of issues discovered by One21 Monitoring, as it checks your backup status, hard drive, and more.

  • You get peace of mind knowing that One21 will alert you if your computer is showing signs of failure.

  • Automated maintenance tasks including permission repair, cache cleaning, and virus scanning.

  • Software Updates for the most common Apps (e.g. Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Office, etc.)

To create your support agreement

Enter your billing contact information below
We will email PDF copies of your invoice to this address.
See the notes by each category to tailor the support agreement for your needs.
We recommend adding Support for each person who enjoys having our services available.
Pre-payment for hours on a monthly basis is requested by some clients, however this is not a requirement for our services.
We understand choosing the right agreement for you can be complex. We are happy to speak with you to create your agreement.

One21 Consulting

Monitoring and Management

Managed Computers with One21+
Active monitoring for pending failures plus system & application update management - $200/Computer/Mo

Managed Mac, Windows & NAS Servers
Active monitoring, maintenance updates & manual verification of backup systems - $400/Server/Mo